Sign up for a Grassroots online course. You will pay the fee when you sign up.
The 2025 Registration process is open.
Once one registers, completes both requirements (online lessons and attend an in-person clinic) they will earn their 2025 USSF Referee badge.
A 2025 badge will allow the new referee to referee the 2025 Fall season and ALL of 2025.
Requirements - You must be 13 or older.
There is two part process that must be completed to become a licensed USSF Grassroots Referee.
Sign up for a Grassroots online course. You will pay the fee ($80) when you sign up.
There are 9 modules in the online portion. All 9 modules must be completed in full before you can select an in-person clinic.
Once you complete the entire online lessons, you'll be able to select an in person clinic to go to. You will see the words - ONLINE LESSONS COMPLETED highlighted in green to know that you can select the in-person clinic you wish to attend.
The in-person clinic is 3.5 hours. This is the field session done outdoors. The Tyler Clinic will be SATURDAY, FEB 22, 2025 from 2:00-5:30 pm at Lindsey Park, Tyler. You must sign up after the online portions are completed and passed.
Lots of important information is given to all attendees at the in-person clinics - who you will work for, how to get games, where to get uniforms, etc.
FYI: Bring water for the clinics. Water will not be provided. Also, wear sunscreen.
You must complete both parts in order to become a referee.
Log into - OMS
Click - Find Clinic Select - Entry Never been a USSF Referee before
Select - Grassroots Referee Online Lessons
Register/Pay – cost is $80.00
Start/finish the online lessons
Select the Grassroots In-person Training. (Tyler)
Tyler Soccer Association will give the new referee their first referee uniform kit and reimburse 1/2 of the cost of this class after refereeing 10 games.
Here is the link to sign up/register,
For more information or questions please contact TSA referee assignor Kevin Meyer, email at
President -
Scott Powers
Vice President -
Eric Lavoy
Treasurer -
David Gower
Secretary -
Kristin Majusiak
Referee Assignor -
Kevin Meyer