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Academy Rules

East Texas Academy League
Rules and Guidelines


¨      FIFA Laws will be applied to all age groups except as identified b

Game Day Rules:

  • All substitutions are at sole discretion of referee who may permit a team to substitute at any stoppage

Game Day Paperwork and Required Forms:

  • Each team will need a Game Report at each game and Academy forms for all players at each game. Game Reports must be printed from your team's got soccer page.

  • Teams will give a completed game report to the Referees before each game

  • Game Report must include player names, jersey numbers, and NTSSA player registration number of EVERY player who will  be playing in the match

  • Any coach or team mgr to be seated on the players’ side of the field must be listed in the Game report

  • Referees will return all Game Reports with game scores to the teams – teams will fax or scan and email to the designated ETAL office.  Exception is for games with a Red Card(s)

General Information:

  • Players must be born 6 prior to August 1st to be eligble for the Fall/Spring soccer year.

  • Players must be an age pure U7 before any play up may occur. 

  • A U7 may play up to U8, U8 may play up to U9 and U9 may play up to U10. 

  • A player may play up 2 age groups with the approval of the ETAL League Director only.

  • Teams cannot have players play down in any games.

  • Standings will not be kept.

  • Offsides will be called in U8+ division of play.

  • All substitutions are sole discretion of the referee who may permit a team to substitute at any stoppage.

  • Your Game Report must include player’s name, jersey numbers and NTSSA player registration of every player who will be participating in the match. The form must be submitted to the referee before each game.  Only registered players may participate.  Each player must be registered with an NTSSA Association.  The coach must have a copy of each players academy form at the game.

  • If a red card is issued the referee will turn the game report to the league director otherwise, the coach must submit the game report to Tyler Soccer Association office via email to within 24 hours of the competition.

  • All coaches and assistant must be registered with an NTSSA Association with a completed background check.

  • Every rostered adult must have on a current ID Badge from an NTSSA member association.

This League will follow NTSSA Rules

Soccer Academies

1. A “Soccer Academy” is a group of Under 7 through Under 10 registered NTSSA recreational players who desire to participate with other players without following the recreational team formation rules. Players must register with their home association and may or may not be on a recreational team, unless required to be on a recreational team by their home association. Academies are to be governed by NTSSA Youth Associations, and NTSSA Youth Associations may host as many Soccer Academies as they deem desirable. Academy teams are governed by the league in which they participate. (If more than one association is involved in an academy league an A&D committee should be in place.)

 2. Coaches, trainers, administrators, etc., of Soccer Academies must have satisfactorily passed the criminal background check and information sent to NTSSA.

 3. Soccer Academy play is in addition to recreational play.  Players may join any Soccer Academy of their choosing within their age group, and are not required to obtain a release from their NTSSA recreational team to participate on an Academy Team.  Players must present a form of proof of registration signed by their home association registrar each time they participate with an Academy.  Players may join as many Soccer Academies as they like as long as the Soccer Academy is recognized by a North Texas Soccer Member Youth Association.  No formal contract or written commitment may be signed by or on behalf of the player to commit a player to an Academy team.  The Academies may charge a fee to cover expenses in addition to the player’s recreational soccer registration fees.  Academy players may participate in only one Academy tournament at a time.  Violations of this rule shall results in sanctions against the offending party (coach, assistant coach, manager, parent, or other team representative), which could include suspension from all soccer activities for a period of time. (Updated Jan 2013)